It's been unused for years, adrift in time, the house that in the old days was blessed by the presence of our priest and spiritual father. The association's immediate priority is the effort of the ground works and the repairs for the priest's house and its transformation into a hostel on the top floor and possibly a folklore historical museum on the ground level.
With the decision of the local and public council, the allotments of the "priest's house" for use as hostel were given. Mr. Dimitrios Roumbos (civil engineer) made his first points and gave instructions for its immediate ground works because the dwelling has subsided on the left side and then the roof repairs on the remaining dwelling and its courtyard.
The VP of our association, Mr. Antoni Balatsia, who sensitized for our need for a hostel at the village, he temporarily offered the house of his aunt, Anthoula Balatsia, as a token of his appreciation and love in her memory.
Our fellow villager Konstantinos Katergaris, who put all his efforts and saw it as his personal property, undertook the project of the hostel's support. This is what he accomplished in a relatively short period of time: There were excavations and propping of the foundation and the perimetric walls of the basement as well as the floor of the basement and ground floor. A one-meter tall water insulating material was placed perimetric to the low walls and also an integrated double reinforced foundation beam 30 cm thick. A 20 cm thick caisson of the perimetric low walls was constructed. In addition, a 15 cm thick concrete was built at the ground floor. Our goal is to save the building because there are landslides in the area. Phase two requires the exterior propping of the building. Electrical piping embodied in the concrete was placed in the basement.
The reconstruction of the roof with thermal insulation has been completed. The separations and the floor have been also completed.

Τhe construction of perimeter beams to fasten the hostel has been completed. The landscaping of the hostel started in September 2009.

The construction of a small open theater next to the hostel has been completed.

In the two years 2022-2024, the upper floor of the hostel and the inner staircase were completed, switches, sockets and lights were installed, tiles and door were installed in the upper room, the walls were painted, accessories were installed in the bathroom and the kitchen.
Web design, development, administration: Stefanos Souldatos |
Content management: Aggeliki Vlasopoulou | English version management: Antonis Balatsias
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